Yes, we have even more baby goats now. We adopted 2 one week old male kids from a local dairy. Typically, they kill the males at birth there, but they keep some to sell.
These 2 guys were going to be sold as breeders if another of their (slightly better) does did not have boys. That doe did have boys, so the dairy gave us the slighlty less desirable ones. These guys still have great breeding and are pure Nubian. So we plan to raise one for meat and keep the other as our breeder for next season. Lily is mostly Nubian (her dad was pure), and Zella has some Nubian in her. Having more pure stock makes selling kids easier. We just placed an ad to sell Hoppy and her kids. Hoppy is friendly, but otherwise she is not a vey good goat. Hopefully, someone will be interested in a doe currently in milk. Anyway, the new babies will need to be bottle fed several times a day for the next 7 or so weeks. We are considering taking even more to raise for meat and help clear some of our land. We might have to come up with some system of feeding them, if we get a lot more.

In other farm news, someone else has responded to our ad to take down old barns in exchange for the materials. With the help of some wwoofers we were able to take down a small barn all in one day a couple of weeks ago. Now, we have signed up to take down about half of a 300 foot chicken house. This one will take us quite awhile, but we should be able to get a lot of great material for building our new barn at The Haven in addition to other uses.