The snow and ice from Sunday's strom are finally melting. Things have been closed down around here for most of the week, and we have spent a lot of time sitting around the wood burning stove watching videos. The goats have not been convinced to stray far from the barn, since the storm. Some of the chickens are out and about, but they often end up ice skating across the top of the crusty snow. Ha! We didn't quite get the new chicken house completed before this storm and cold spell hit, but it has a roof, walls, and roosts now, which are providing better shelter than the tractors did. Hopefully, we'll get a door on it soon, as well as nesting boxes and a storage cabinet for their feed and other supplies.

Jeff and I experienced a white christmas in Murphy, NC, where we celebrated the holiday with the Davis family. A bunch of us made a snowman, and I watched the others sled in the abundant wet snow. There was the requisite snowball fight as well. Inside, we enjoyed Aunt Ellen's fabulous cooking and playing board games, including Battlestar Galactica. Jeff and Bill turned out to be cylons, and Dawn and I were unable to prevent the brothers from anihilating the human race. Drats!

I did a lot of knitting in December, making hats and ear warmers for family members. I also knitted a tiny hat and scarf (modeled below by a homemade ugly doll), which I hope will fit the baby next winter, as well as barbie blankets for my nieces' dolls. I will be taking knitting lessons at the local yarn shop next week to learn how to make socks. I also got a book from the library that has instructions on how to make knitted toys. Fun! I am excited about my future knitting projects!!
