New Perimeter Fence |
Timbuktu |
Geneva |
The other new additions to the farm are the chicks that hatched out in June. The Dominicker hen hatched out 11 chicks, and there were no issues with snakes this time, even though we didn't end up using any snake repellents. When the chicks (or, as Raine likes to call them, peep peeps) were 2 months old, we moved them into the chicken house. All of them transitioned well, except the one New Hampshire Red cockerel. I found him dead under the roosts in the chicken house on the second day after the move. I'm not sure what happened to him, but I've heard that chickens will attack a chick if it looks different from all of the rest, and that cockerel was the only light colored one of the bunch. The chicks are now like teenagers, and someday soon the 6 or so males left will be ready for harvesting. This year, we have started banding the chickens so we can tell one hatch set from another. The 2013 chickens have green bands.
The gardens are doing fairly well. I had a pretty good cantaloupe harvest this year. I was particularly happy with the flavor of this year's variety, but almost every melon had worm holes and/or blow outs (from too much rain). Since they weren't saleable, we ate tons of cantaloupe and froze the rest. We are looking forward to trying out a new cantaloupe ice cream recipe that we found. :-) There were a bunch of pickling and canning sessions at The Haven this summer, using the combined produce from my garden and my in-laws' garden. Fred, Pat, and I made green tomato relish, several different types of cucumber pickles, dilly beans, and green salsa, among other things. Most of the tomato and squash plants are finishing now, and I am getting the fall garden underway.