Sunday, March 16, 2014

Do not cast your pearls before swine.

Meet Pearl, the pig!  Pearl is a 7 month old Berkshire gilt (young female pig).  Raine referred to her as our new friend, when she came to us about 3 weeks ago.  In the photo, Jeff is trying to comfort Pearl and get her to enter her new pen.  Pearl ended up spending the night in our new, old and crusty livestock trailer (Fred is now working on fixing it up a bit more for us).  The need to relieve herself and a new tactic used by Jeff finally convinced her to leave the trailer (poor thing!).  Pearl is now settling in well in her new digs.  She has been trained to the electric fence and has gained access to a large pasture area, which she is beginning to explore.  We have not gotten a boar yet and are considering attempting artificial insemination.  AI is supposed to be fairly easy (and, yes, there is a you-tube video on that) and is far less expensive than keeping a boar.  The challenge is detecting her estrus cycle, so everything can be timed just right.  We have been checking her for the signs of estrus twice a day, and, possibly, we saw some of the signs yesterday.  Possibly.

It is also possible that the goats will be kidding soon.  Their udders have started filling out, so it shouldn't be long now.  In fact, they will probably all give birth right after we leave town for a short vacation later this week.  In any event, hopefully all will go smoothly.

Spring is definitely around the corner.  The daffodils are just past the peak of their bloom, and the forsythia are just starting.  Things are starting to green up, so the animals will soon have lots of fresh forage.
