Jeff and I are making an offer today for some land here in Carrollton! The property has 8 acres (it's about half wooded and half cleared), a modular home built in 2006, a horse barn, and a carport with attached workshop and pole barn. There's also a creek that runs along the back of the property. We're excited about it, so keep your fingers crossed for us!

Chick update: 11 of the 14 eggs in the incubator hatched despite the temperature fluctuations in the incubator. However, one of the chicks had difficulty hatching, and I decided to intervene, even though most info resources advise you not to do so. The chick had pecked a largish hole around his head, but he was sticky for some reason and got stuck to the inside of the shell and its membranes. I just couldn't ignore his distress calls, so I picked away the shell and soaked him in warm water to remove the shell membranes that had become glued to him. I'm not sure how well I did. Of course, his head was difficult to work on without drowning him. He's fluffing up a bit better now, but he still looks a little funky. The fuzzy butts that had already hatched kept picking on him and the last chick to hatch, so we gave them their own little brooder box in the nursery.

I love hanging with my peeps. :-)
The organization of the pictures and the text is weird, but I don't know how to fix it. For some reason I have this problem when I use Jeff's computer to make blog entries. -Annie
I blame it fully on Jeff's computer!
As to the other news, that sounds great!
Before congratulations are in order, let me wish you all the best on the proceedings of the purchase!
Loved looking at the pictures! All the best!
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