Since last we wrote, our living situation has changed dramatically. When last we wrote we had just graded the land at our new abode. After that it was brought out in two pieces, that were then put back together. Once they were both in place we spoke to Tracey, who moved it, and he told us that about 4 feet away from being in place the hitch broke off of one of the halves. We were lucky that didn't happen when the house was on the interstate or, in Tracey's words, "There would have been a mess."

Another useful gift we have gotten is our livingroom furniture, which was a gift from The Davis family who replaced it with something new. Here are Paul and Terra soaking up the luxury.
Finally, during the cold of January we used up perhaps half of our propane tank. We needed a cheaper way to stay warm, especially given Annie's need for tropical temperatures. We are now enjoying the warmth for which we are thankful to Bert who helped us with the cost of it as a (very literal) housewarming gift. The feds are also chipping in considerably as we got a "high efficiency" model which qualifies us for a tax credit for 2010.
We are now in the midst of painting, which is the last barrier to us having the interior all set up and moved-in feeling. After that we have plenty to do around the outside (barn, fences, and a porch.)
Keep on the look-out for updates as the work continues here at the Haven.
Jeff (& Annie giving her approval)
Oh, so glad to see you back to blogging! The place looks great! Hope we will see more frequent posts from here on in. Annie must have been the designated photographer. (Friends don't let friends photograph drunk.) BTW, what do you hear from Madge & Bert? I have been wondering how all this snow has been affecting them. Tell them "HI" when you talk to them. If I were them I think I would be tempted to head south. Love you both!
I'm so envious! And I'd love to come visit soon! Cards anyone?
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