We still need to complete the front doors and build the run that will attach the barn to the two pastures, that we have fenced out so far. We also plan to wire the barn in order to put in some lights and perhaps run a small refrigerator.
In other news, an Australorp hen hatched out a couple of chicks. The hen started out with 8 eggs, but at least one got broken when she turned over the nesting box we made for her. She sat on the remaining eggs on the ground, and there were three under her on hatch day. Two eggs hatched, and the third had a fully formed chick inside, but it didn't hatch for some reason. The chicks are likely mixed breeds. The black one is definitely half Australorp. Jeff and I also finished making another raised bed where the second chicken tractor used to be. I planted beets, mustard, and lettuce in that bed, which are all starting to sprout now.

Hopefully, I'll be able to post DragonCon pics soon!
The barn looks great! Congrats. on all the happenings with you two! momD
Thanks! Can't wait to see you later this week! :-)
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