Dear Blog, we are sorry that we have neglected you. I promise to do better, and I have started by giving you a new name: Twisted Oak Telegraph. The Davises have been busy, and a lot of that has involved new developments at Twisted Oak Farm. Let's try to do some catching up.
I put in my first veggie garden at Twisted Oak this summer. This photo is from June. Now, the okra plants are tall, and all the sweet potatoes, beans and sunflower heads have been harvested. The inaugural season of this garden was quite bountiful. For the fall, I recently planted a number of rows of beets. I love this little garden. I have done a lot of work mulching the beds, aisles, and perimeter fencing to keep the weeds well controlled and the plants happy. This garden is beautiful to me. :-) Oh, and there's also a big pumpkin patch that volunteered in the old pig pen. I can't wait for more pumpkin pie! And pumpkin cake roll and pumpkin bread....

Our friend, Forrest, and his crew are building a big pole barn for us. It will be 40' x 50' and strong enough to hold a lot of solar panels on its roof. A neighbor did the clearing and grading, and we worked out a deal with another friend for use of her Bobcat (thanks, Jacqueline!). It will be nice to have a place big enough to store the tractor and other big equipment as well as some of the materials we will soon start to gather for the construction of our house.
The northeast corner of our land was also cleared. We plan to plant fruit and nut trees there. As I type, Jeff is on the tractor, preparing to lime and seed the new pasture.
Did you notice the sign posted by the fence in that photo? It's our house building permit! The house site has already been cleared and graded, and some concrete work will begin next week. We're hoping to get the foundation in and concrete wall and slab poured before the weather gets too cold.
After much deliberation, we decided to build an earth bermed, passive solar home using conventional materials. Maybe there will be some outbuildings someday constructed with earthen building methods. Nonetheless, we have designed the home to be energy efficient, and it will be largely solar powered and have a rain catchment system for water. We also plan to use a lot of salvaged materials for the interior finishing, which we can start collecting when the barn is done. Stay tuned for more construction news!