Monday, October 26, 2015

Barn Roof

Our pole barn now has a roof on it!  We can start storing things in it like our loaner Bobcat and the wood, milled from trees on our property, for our house.  I also hope to use some of it for animal shelter soon, so I can move the goats off of old pastures, which need reseeding.  With the addition of some metal braces and gutters, the pole barn will be complete.  However, we will eventually put in some walls and partitions in the barn, and we are looking for large water tanks so we can catch and use the rain water for animals and crop irrigation.

We are finally getting some rain now.  A lot of rain.  Hopefully, the acre of grass seed we spread last week will not be washed away but rather soon germinate and make a nice tall fescue pasture, providing good cool season forage for our goats.  We also hope the rains don't cause long delays in the concrete work on the house.  Some prep work for making the concrete wall on the back of house was done last week.

Otherwise, we are enjoying the beautiful fall colors and cooler temps, and we are getting excited about celebrating Halloween.


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