Saturday, April 11, 2009

And now for something completely different

This blog update is way overdue. I was having some computer issues, but they appear to have been resolved now. Hooray! So...ON WITH THE SHOW!!!

Well, actually, the show took place back in mid-March. The Monty Python show, that is. Theater On Cedar produced an off-season performance of Monty Python skits, directed by Jeff. The living room of the Truth and Beauty Laboratory provided a nice intimate venue, and we were blessed with enthusiastic audiences for our three show run. Beth graciously captured some of the fun on film for me. Enjoy!

An obnoxious fellow visits a bookshop and torments its owner.
Rrrrrrip! No more nut hatches! Any other birds you don't like?!
The bookshop owner reads "Ethel the Aarvark" to the obnoxious customer who can't read.
That's not how mommy reads it!!

Girlie Lumberjacks-

but they're OK!

Adam is "ruining the show" by launching back into the Lumberjack song.
Well...always look on the bright side of life...
And, always look on the bright side of death...just before you draw your terminal breath...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this posting. It was neat to see these pictures!

What is the status of Lily's pregnancy/kids?