Over the weekend, Lily began to display signs of impending labor: frequent low soft grunting and nesting. We checked on her frequently, and Jeff spent Sunday night down in the goat barn to keep watch. Unfortunately, it was a cold and stormy night, so it wasn't the most pleasant experience for Jeff - but what a trooper he is! Lily did not go into labor that night, but she must have the minute we left to attend the weekly work meeting Monday morning. When we returned, she had already birthed both kids and cleaned them up, and she was standing in the stall with a kid on each teat, nursing away. Lily had a girl and a boy, and they both look just like their mother, complete with the long and floppy Nubian ears. Very different from Hoppy's kids but just as adorable!

They are just absolutely precious! If you get a chance I would like to see recent pictures of Chevy and French Fry too. What are the names for these two new ones?
I hope Jeff is over his sickness. Please let us know.
More goat pics are coming soon! And we are still working on names for the newest kids. -Annie
Oh, and Jeff is feeling much better. However, I don't think he has completely recovered yet. -Annie
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