Here he is today - at 2 days old.

And here he is with some of his peeps.

We've been moving the chicks from the incubator to a "brooder" with food and water, when they are 24 hours old. Here's who was in the incubator on Sunday morning.

And this morning

In other chicken news, Dottie's eye looks less swollen and irritated (Dottie is the Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte, who still is having eye issues). We've been treating her eye with saline flushes and antibiotic eye ointment twice a day for the past week. The other young chickens, which we bought a few weeks ago, were recently integrated into the flock. They seem to be doing well, although the newbies tend to stick together and they still need help finding their way into the coop at night. Leaving a light on inside the coop appears to help.
Now, I have to go back to the nursery and watch the chicks some more; it's almost impossible to tear myself away!
So adorable. I love the hatching time sequence pics. Pretty incredible to see the life emerging.
You're starting to have a lot of chicks. Are you planning on keeping them all?
Yep, I think we'll keep 'em all - well depending on how many roosters we end up with (we've already been culling some of the older ones from the flock though).
hey jeff and annie, =)
i have to tell you, it is SO cool to see you all hatching chicks! =)
and all that you are doing in general.
its inspiring; thanks for sharing.
sincerely, heather
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