Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Cast of Characters

Alright ladies and genteel men,

For the course of this blog here are the cast of characters (of course we reserve the right to make mid-season replacements should contract negotiations go awry, and to introduce new characters as we see fit).

David: Lord of the Manor

Annie and Jeff: The Tenant Farmers of Deerfield

White Paw: The queen of Deerfield Manor

Idris: Heir to the throne/scaredy cat

Hoppy Begonia: She who gives us milk

Lily Caprica: Hoppy's daughter and our first kid

Arthur: Castrated male goat, but he's okay with it

Blackberry: The enforcer/outdoor cuddle monster

Rupert Nigel Giles: He's orangey, RNG, get it?

Big Boss: King of the Chicken yard/a real meanie

Brownie: The Little Brown Silkie

Juliet: A Buttercup mix, an early inhabitant of the love shack

Mama Hen: Currently setting in the love shack. Black Austrolorp, sure hope they hatch!!

Turkey Lurkey: Old and decrepit, but still bigger than a chicken - the real big boss

And More to Come: Incubator currently with around 30 eggs or so

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